Our team

A core team oversees the execution of the mandates, and surrounds itself with specialized resources according to the specific needs of the mandates. These resources are drawn from a long-standing network of technical experts (economics, engineering, law, taxation, health, demography, ethnography) as well as strategic advisors.

Our team

Félix-Antoine Joli-Coeur, Founder and President - VOLUME10
Félix-Antoine Joli-Coeur
Founder and President
Founder and President of VOLUME10, Félix-Antoine has an impressive track record as an entrepreneur, executive consultant, and economic expert. Following his education at INSEAD (MBA) and McGill/Smithsonian University (Master's in Policies, Laws, and Environment), he made his mark within the office of the Prime Minister of Quebec and the international firm McKinsey & Company. Over the past 20 years, he has led a wide range of impactful projects in the infrastructure, health, hospitality, entrepreneurship, and technological innovation sectors. In recent years, Félix-Antoine has collaborated with various media outlets as a columnist, including Nouveau Projet, Les Affaires, and La Presse+.
Béatrice Girardin, Consultant - VOLUME10
Béatrice Girardin
Valued for her problem-solving approach, which draws strength from a balance between precise quantitative analysis and compelling storytelling, Béatrice actively contributes to blossoming the health innovation practice at Volume10. Her expertise is notably rooted in her recent participation in two missions studying Israel's public healthcare system, where she played a crucial role in organizing and established privileged relationships with local leaders. With several years of experience in executive consulting, she has distinguished herself through active involvement in numerous corporate strategic planning exercises. Béatrice holds a bachelor's degree in biomedical engineering from Polytechnique Montréal and a diploma in digital communication from Concordia University.
Arianne Boulais, Consultant - VOLUME10
Arianne Boulais
Senior Consultant
With a solid background in management consulting at Accenture, Arianne joined the Volume10 team to elevate the strategy practice in innovation and digital transformation. Notably, she spearheaded a groundbreaking study on implementing artificial intelligence into the operations of a major hospital in Quebec, while also delving into digital innovation opportunities within the infrastructure sector. Arianne has also led significant mandates in crafting business plans and actively contributed to the development of several sectoral studies. Endowed with a bachelor's degree in industrial engineering from Polytechnique Montréal, she further honed her expertise through impactful roles at SNC-Lavalin and Azbil in Tokyo.
Sophie-Rose Patry
Senior Consultant
With her remarkable analytical skills, she pursued her engineering education at école Polytechnique de Montréal before undertaking a Master's in Management Science at HEC, specializing in strategy. Her professional journey led her to develop expertise in analytical consulting at EY, as well as operational consulting at Coboom, a renowned firm serving the primary SMEs in eastern Canada. She stands out for her experience in strategic co-creation and support in the implementation of tactical initiatives, particularly in the education, technology, and manufacturing sectors. Since joining Volume10, she has been particularly dedicated to implementation et engagement strategy.
Leila Dhar, Analyst - VOLUME10
Leila Dhar
Leila holds a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Polytechnique Montréal and excels in managing complex and innovative projects. Her experiences at GE Renewable Energy and Princeton University have equipped her with advanced expertise in developing solutions for industrial processes. Her key strength lies in her ability to break down intricate problems, providing creative solutions and recommendations. She specializes in knowledge synthesis, data analysis, and impactful communication, focusing on sustainable development and technological innovation. A polyglot and naturally curious individual, Leila is fluent in both French and English, and is proficient in Arabic and Spanish.
Vinh David To
Senior Consultant
Vinh, a mechanical engineering graduate from Polytechnique Montréal, is an expert in information systems and data management. During his four years at Accenture, he gained experience on national and international projects, specializing in the migration, integration, and securing of complex databases. He has mastered advanced methodologies in interoperability and the management of critical infrastructures. As a senior consultant at Volume10, Vinh leverages his expertise to support public and private organizations in transforming their information systems.
Elliot Lacoursière, Analyst - VOLUME10
Elliot Lacoursière
Junior Consultant
As a HEC Montréal graduate in Business Administration (Honors), Elliot sets himself apart through his keen interest and expertise in business model innovations, customer experience design (CX) and service design within businesses. Fueled by a passion for cities and design in its broadest sens, he accumulated valuable experience in project management at LNDMRK and for Ivanhoé Cambridge, followed by strategic planning at Sid Lee Architecture. Certified in Design Thinking by IDEO, Elliot excels in solving complex problems where the human experience takes center stage in solution design.

Our expert network

François Forget
Consultant en stratégie et idéation
Véritable référence en matière de marketing au Canada, François Forget a aiguisé ses talents de communicateur et de stratège dans le milieu publicitaire québécois. Pendant 20 ans, il a été cadre au sein de prestigieuses agences (SID LEE, Cossette), avant de devenir un consultant indépendant sollicité par plusieurs organisations de différents secteurs. Nous avons à notre actif commun des collaborations sur La Table Ronde et l’étude Blocage minimum portant sur les chantiers montréalais.
Clément Demers
Urbaniste, architecte et gestionnaire de projet
Urbaniste et architecte de renom, Clément Demers est reconnu comme l’un des plus grands gestionnaires de projets d’aménagement publics-privés du Canada. On compte parmi ses réalisations les plus marquantes le Quartier international de Montréal (32 distinctions) et le Quartier des Spectacles
Sébastien Morin
Designer graphique
Collaborateur de premier plan depuis plus de 4 ans, Sébastien est le designer graphique derrière nos productions visuelles. Après l’obtention de son baccalauréat en Arts à l’UQAM, Sébastien fait ses premières armes dans deux agences de publicité, puis dans un organisme à but non lucratif, ce qui lui permet d'acquérir un savoir-faire de qualité supérieure dans le domaine. Maintenant travailleur autonome, Sébastien collabore régulièrement avec IdéesFX sur divers mandats. Grâce à son expérience professionnelle variée, sa créativité et son attention aux détails, il apporte une valeur ajoutée à chaque projet sur lequel il travaille.
Marie Mello
Formée en études littéraires, en cinéma et en linguistique (UQAM), Marie Mello détient plus de 20 ans d’expérience en rédaction, traduction et révision. À titre indépendant, elle a collaboré avec plusieurs festivals, sociétés de production, publications, municipalités, OSBL du secteur artistique et entreprises privées. Elle mène en parallèle une carrière de journaliste pigiste spécialisée en musique et cinéma.
Sébastien Harrison
Author and cultural manager
Graduate of the National Theatre School in Dramatic Writing, Sébastien has accumulated 25 years of experience in writing dramatic works, both in Quebec and abroad. He possesses a solid expertise in the creation, production, dissemination, mediation, and administration of stagecraft
Patrick Saint-Vincent
Directeur de projets (La Table Ronde)
Reconnu pour son esprit entrepreneurial et son flair pour l’innovation, Patrick détient 25 ans d’expérience en gastronomie et sommellerie, en plus d’avoir contribué à introduire le concept du bar à vin au Québec. Diplômé de HEC Montréal (MBA) et de l’Institut Forrester (certificat CX), il a fait sa marque en démarrage et gestion d’entreprises (Le Filet, BU). Il s’illustre désormais à La Table Ronde en tant que directeur de projets.
Simon Barrette
Technologue créatif
L'activité que Simon exerce est oscillatoire; un dialogue constant entre sa formation d'ingénieur logiciel et ses pratiques interdisciplinaires à titre de potier, de photographe et de designer. À titre de travailleur autonome, sa pratique en création technologique s'inscrit dans l'imbrication du réel et du virtuel, et a pour but de tisser les relations entre technicité élevée et essence artistique afin de faire émaner créations visuelles, produits interactifs et installations immersives.

Nos clients