


McGill University

Establishment of the Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Mandate and context

Montreal's dynamism in innovation and new business start-ups is recognized worldwide, and its universities have a lot to do with it. McGill University wants to become a hub for entrepreneurship and set itself apart from other institutions of higher learning with an office dedicated to it.

Implementation and solutions

To set up McGill's Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Volume10 conducted case studies and compared several initiatives launched in North America and Europe. The firm then mapped entrepreneurship in Quebec, identified the best potential partnerships and defined the priority actions of the Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Impact and outcomes

Since its launch, the Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship has been supporting McGill's innovation teams and helping them maximize the impact of their projects. The structure promotes McGill's international reach while increasing student participation, thereby nourishing Montreal's innovation ecosystem.

Establishment of the Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Volume10